This Yahoo! group could be "owned" by YOU!
(too old to reply)
Sparky Voltz
2005-07-02 15:50:54 UTC

I may have posted an invitation of sorts to this group advertising the
Yahoo! group "All-Band Radio Renegades and Outlaws". I have chosen to
relinquish ownership of that group. The following message was posted
to the group, and appears here, since many of those who joined did so
from reading my original USENET post.


Below is my original message. I should have done two things
differently; one, I am going to send this version as a "Special
Notice", since it is of a significant nature in regards to our
group, and some of our members have selected to receive special
notices only. Also, I should mention that I will NEVER cease my 11
meter and/or CB operation. Too bad if that ticks anyone off, I
couldn't care less. As a kid, that pair of walkie talkies I got for
Christmas left permanent impressions in my brain which will remain
there until it ceases functioning. :) Like all those heterodynes,
those southern accents and "handles", the fun of reaching "all the
way" to my best friend's house 2 blocks away. I love CB, always
have and always will. And, as I stated below, I love my CW. So
there ya go.

And, if anyone loses sleep over the fact that I prefer to remain
anonymous by using the handle "Sparky", that's your problem. The
Internet is full of kooks, nuts, fruitcakes, hackers, stalkers, and
other Neanderthals who take immense delight in seeking one's
location and identity only to harass, annoy, and/or otherwise make a
complete nuisance of themselves. Should anyone care to use their real
name, their ham callsign, give their mailing address and telephone
number over the Internet, that's your business. Personally, I think
it is terribly foolish and highly dangerous. But that's just my
opinion. Deal with it.

I am ceasing transmissions on our group's 3, 6, and 13 MHz
frequencies immediately. However, 13.555 MHz is allocated by the
FCC as a Part 15 frequency and can be used without a license. Part
15 has fairly strict rules regarding power output and antenna
limitations. I understand that frequency can be used by any mode of
communication. So... I may set up a LEGAL part 15 station of some
sort, either CW or SSB, if they are permitted, and attempt operation
at some date and time, probably when band conditions are better.
Like in 5 or 6 years. :) Otherwise, I shall remain a listener-
only, as stated below.

Original message follows:

This group has grown beyond my wildest imagination. I really never
expected more than a dozen or so members. However, it seems to be
constantly growing, which proves to me that there is interest in
this sort of radio operation and activity.

Believe it or not, I have come to the conclusion that I am no longer
going to operate on the three HF frequencies we've chosen for our
group. The main reason for my change of heart is that I've realized
that operating on those frequencies could possibly interfere with
our U.S. Military communications. In these seriously dangerous
times I simply cannot -- and will not -- put our military personnel
in any type of danger or risk. Therefore, I will no longer be
transmitting on those frequencies. Secondly, I worked darned hard
for my Amateur Radio license, and should I receive the deserved
consequences for such illegal radio transmissions, I would most
likely lose my Amateur Radio privileges. Frankly, it just ain't
worth it. I love my CW way too much. :)

Therefore, I am resigning as "owner" of this group and handing over
the reigns to someone else. I am, and will always be, a Shortwave
listener who is interested in LISTENING TO the unusual, including
pirate broadcasters, "freeband" 2-way radio operations throughout
the HF spectrum, and other unordinary and clandestine types of radio
operations. I intend on remaining a member of this group, sometimes
participating by writing posts and making comments, etc. However, I
will no longer promote or endorse illegal radio activity on my own

If anyone is interested in becoming the "owner" of this group,
please email me. I suppose the most fair way of determining who I
assign that title will be based on the date the person joined. Sort
of a "first come, first served" concept. And should there be a tie,
well... I'll toss a coin. One person can be "owner" and the other
can be assigned "moderator" status by the new "owner", if that
person so desires.

Should I not hear from anyone by Friday July 8, I will simply close
the group down for good. It's been fun, friends, and I've enjoyed
the banter that's been going on here. I hate to see it end. So,
it's up to y'all.

I'll await your request to become the proud, new owner of ABRRAO's.
Thank each and every one of you for your joining up, your
participation, and your opinions. I do look forward to the
continuation of the group.

It's been real...

73 -- ~Sparky~

Often imitated -- NEVER duplicated!

Sparky - AM/FM/SSB/CW from somewhere in the Midwest U.S.A.:

KALL-2671 - CB Radio;
Unit 412/RF412/CO3026 - Freeband 26-28MHz;
W9*** - Amateur Radio;
M/V Mysterious Traveller - Marine;
plus FRS, MURS...

...got frequencies? ;)
Sparky Voltz
2005-07-07 03:53:01 UTC
Position has been filled.

On Sat, 02 Jul 2005 10:50:54 -0500, Sparky Voltz
Post by Sparky Voltz
I may have posted an invitation of sorts to this group advertising the
Yahoo! group "All-Band Radio Renegades and Outlaws". I have chosen to
relinquish ownership of that group. The following message was posted
to the group, and appears here, since many of those who joined did so
from reading my original USENET post.
Below is my original message. I should have done two things
differently; one, I am going to send this version as a "Special
Notice", since it is of a significant nature in regards to our
group, and some of our members have selected to receive special
notices only. Also, I should mention that I will NEVER cease my 11
meter and/or CB operation. Too bad if that ticks anyone off, I
couldn't care less. As a kid, that pair of walkie talkies I got for
Christmas left permanent impressions in my brain which will remain
there until it ceases functioning. :) Like all those heterodynes,
those southern accents and "handles", the fun of reaching "all the
way" to my best friend's house 2 blocks away. I love CB, always
have and always will. And, as I stated below, I love my CW. So
there ya go.
And, if anyone loses sleep over the fact that I prefer to remain
anonymous by using the handle "Sparky", that's your problem. The
Internet is full of kooks, nuts, fruitcakes, hackers, stalkers, and
other Neanderthals who take immense delight in seeking one's
location and identity only to harass, annoy, and/or otherwise make a
complete nuisance of themselves. Should anyone care to use their real
name, their ham callsign, give their mailing address and telephone
number over the Internet, that's your business. Personally, I think
it is terribly foolish and highly dangerous. But that's just my
opinion. Deal with it.
I am ceasing transmissions on our group's 3, 6, and 13 MHz
frequencies immediately. However, 13.555 MHz is allocated by the
FCC as a Part 15 frequency and can be used without a license. Part
15 has fairly strict rules regarding power output and antenna
limitations. I understand that frequency can be used by any mode of
communication. So... I may set up a LEGAL part 15 station of some
sort, either CW or SSB, if they are permitted, and attempt operation
at some date and time, probably when band conditions are better.
Like in 5 or 6 years. :) Otherwise, I shall remain a listener-
only, as stated below.
This group has grown beyond my wildest imagination. I really never
expected more than a dozen or so members. However, it seems to be
constantly growing, which proves to me that there is interest in
this sort of radio operation and activity.
Believe it or not, I have come to the conclusion that I am no longer
going to operate on the three HF frequencies we've chosen for our
group. The main reason for my change of heart is that I've realized
that operating on those frequencies could possibly interfere with
our U.S. Military communications. In these seriously dangerous
times I simply cannot -- and will not -- put our military personnel
in any type of danger or risk. Therefore, I will no longer be
transmitting on those frequencies. Secondly, I worked darned hard
for my Amateur Radio license, and should I receive the deserved
consequences for such illegal radio transmissions, I would most
likely lose my Amateur Radio privileges. Frankly, it just ain't
worth it. I love my CW way too much. :)
Therefore, I am resigning as "owner" of this group and handing over
the reigns to someone else. I am, and will always be, a Shortwave
listener who is interested in LISTENING TO the unusual, including
pirate broadcasters, "freeband" 2-way radio operations throughout
the HF spectrum, and other unordinary and clandestine types of radio
operations. I intend on remaining a member of this group, sometimes
participating by writing posts and making comments, etc. However, I
will no longer promote or endorse illegal radio activity on my own
If anyone is interested in becoming the "owner" of this group,
please email me. I suppose the most fair way of determining who I
assign that title will be based on the date the person joined. Sort
of a "first come, first served" concept. And should there be a tie,
well... I'll toss a coin. One person can be "owner" and the other
can be assigned "moderator" status by the new "owner", if that
person so desires.
Should I not hear from anyone by Friday July 8, I will simply close
the group down for good. It's been fun, friends, and I've enjoyed
the banter that's been going on here. I hate to see it end. So,
it's up to y'all.
I'll await your request to become the proud, new owner of ABRRAO's.
Thank each and every one of you for your joining up, your
participation, and your opinions. I do look forward to the
continuation of the group.
It's been real...
73 -- ~Sparky~
Often imitated -- NEVER duplicated!
KALL-2671 - CB Radio;
Unit 412/RF412/CO3026 - Freeband 26-28MHz;
W9*** - Amateur Radio;
M/V Mysterious Traveller - Marine;
plus FRS, MURS...
...got frequencies? ;)