Newbie Questions
(too old to reply)
2005-11-06 19:51:12 UTC

Newbie -

Are most of the ham usage voice frequencies below, e.g., 30 MHz USB ?
Or ?

What are the "more popular" bands and freq's I can give a try to picking up
Modes ?

Ron Baker, Pluralitas!
2005-11-07 02:06:55 UTC
Post by Robert11
Newbie -
Are most of the ham usage voice frequencies below, e.g., 30 MHz USB ?
Or ?
I believe the convention is below 10 MHz use LSB,
above 10 MHz use USB.
Post by Robert11
What are the "more popular" bands and freq's I can give a try to picking
up ?
20 m is pretty popular. 40 m also. The others less
so I think. 80 m requires huge antennas, is not very
good during the day, and there is lots of atmospheric noise.
10 m is pretty much line of sight now that the sun spot
cycle is low.
Post by Robert11
Modes ?
What do you like? There is sideband, cw, rtty, psk31,
SSTV, amtor.

2005-11-12 19:02:03 UTC
80 m requires huge antennas, is not very
Post by Ron Baker, Pluralitas!
good during the day, and there is lots of atmospheric noise.
10 m is pretty much line of sight now that the sun spot
cycle is low.
Post by Robert11
Modes ?
What do you like? There is sideband, cw, rtty, psk31,
SSTV, amtor.
To trasnsmit, yes, huge antennas are needed for 80M but as SWL I have a
North County active antenna vertical on my porch and I receive the 80M
band for a SWL to my satisfaction. I copy signals from Ga. and Maryland
as well as Florida, perhaps others farther away that I havent been able
to confirm, as 40M receptions have run from the zeros to the nines

It's "war"length is maybe 18" 10' up it's a
surprising antenna
