Interested in license-free walkie talkies
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Voice of freedom
2004-11-08 02:43:40 UTC
We're interested in finding a couple of lowest cost possible walkie talkies
that don't require a license, something we could carry around when we go out,
in case we lose each other in the mall or something. Does anything like that
exist? Does it come in 900 Mhz or what?
A Voice Of Freedom in the
United States of America
2004-11-08 03:24:37 UTC
Take a look at the FRS (Family Radio Service) walkie-talkies. Those are what
most folks are using today for the application you describe. They can be
found at Radio Shack, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, etc. They operate in the mid 400
MHz band.
Post by Voice of freedom
We're interested in finding a couple of lowest cost possible walkie talkies
that don't require a license, something we could carry around when we go out,
in case we lose each other in the mall or something. Does anything like that
exist? Does it come in 900 Mhz or what?
A Voice Of Freedom in the
United States of America
Guy P. Distaffen
2004-11-08 12:23:04 UTC
You would probably want to look at the Family Radio Service. The radios
operate in the 462 MHz range. There are several restrictions on the radios,
such as they must be non-modifiable, the antenna has to be a permanent part
of the radio and they can not transmit more than 500 mW.
You can find them at almost any store, such as Wal-Mart, K-Mart or
Target. If you do pick them up, watch if you get the new FRS/GMRS. These
radios allow for the higher power output for the General Mobile Radio
Service. However, you need to have a license to operate with the higher

Guy P. Distaffen

Post by Voice of freedom
We're interested in finding a couple of lowest cost possible walkie talkies
that don't require a license, something we could carry around when we go out,
in case we lose each other in the mall or something. Does anything like that
exist? Does it come in 900 Mhz or what?
A Voice Of Freedom in the
United States of America
Keyboard In The Wilderness
2004-11-08 16:31:03 UTC
Either CB or FRS radios
See URL:
The Anon Keyboard
I doubt, therefore I might be
Post by Voice of freedom
We're interested in finding a couple of lowest cost possible walkie talkies
that don't require a license, something we could carry around when we go out,
in case we lose each other in the mall or something. Does anything like that
exist? Does it come in 900 Mhz or what?
A Voice Of Freedom in the
United States of America
Randy A. Hefner
2004-11-08 17:31:32 UTC
You can try FRS (Family Radio Service) radios. They are very small and
perform well for the purpose you require. They can be bought new for around
$10 each. For more info on these, visit:


You can also use the newer MURS (Multi-use Radio Service) radios. They are
VHF radios that use 5 of the VHF business band frequencies. Radios are
bigger than FRS, but they do have removable antennas and higher power
output. You can get much greater range with MURS. For more info on these,


Both FRS and MURS are license-free services. Try FRS first and see if it
suits your needs. If not, you are not out of much money. MURS will cost
about $75 or more per radio.

Post by Voice of freedom
We're interested in finding a couple of lowest cost possible walkie talkies
that don't require a license, something we could carry around when we go out,
in case we lose each other in the mall or something. Does anything like that
exist? Does it come in 900 Mhz or what?
A Voice Of Freedom in the
United States of America
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Brian Kelly
2004-11-10 22:49:40 UTC
Post by Randy A. Hefner
You can try FRS (Family Radio Service) radios. They are very small and
perform well for the purpose you require. They can be bought new for around
You can also use the newer MURS (Multi-use Radio Service) radios. They are
VHF radios that use 5 of the VHF business band frequencies. Radios are
bigger than FRS, but they do have removable antennas and higher power
output. You can get much greater range with MURS. For more info on these,
Both FRS and MURS are license-free services.
FRS is license-free but a license is required to operate on the MURS frequencies.
Post by Randy A. Hefner
Try FRS first and see if it
suits your needs. If not, you are not out of much money. MURS will cost
about $75 or more per radio.
Post by Voice of freedom
We're interested in finding a couple of lowest cost possible walkie
Post by Voice of freedom
that don't require a license, something we could carry around when we go
Post by Voice of freedom
in case we lose each other in the mall or something. Does anything like
Post by Voice of freedom
exist? Does it come in 900 Mhz or what?
A Voice Of Freedom in the
United States of America
Randy A. Hefner
2004-11-11 00:44:05 UTC
Post by Brian Kelly
FRS is license-free but a license is required to operate on the MURS frequencies.
No, a license is not required for the MURS service. It is a license-free
service like FRS.


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Version: 6.0.775 / Virus Database: 522 - Release Date: 10/8/2004
Randy A. Hefner
2004-11-11 00:49:22 UTC
Post by Brian Kelly
FRS is license-free but a license is required to operate on the MURS frequencies.

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.775 / Virus Database: 522 - Release Date: 10/8/2004
Steve Silverwood
2004-11-21 21:52:58 UTC
Post by Voice of freedom
We're interested in finding a couple of lowest cost possible walkie talkies
that don't require a license, something we could carry around when we go out,
in case we lose each other in the mall or something. Does anything like that
exist? Does it come in 900 Mhz or what?
I'll second the recommendation for Family Radio Service (FRS) radios.
The scenario you describe is tailor-made for that type of transceiver,
and they are available at just about every mass-marketer.

As suggested in another post, cell phones are also useful for this, but
if your situation involves kids then that may not be a viable solution.
FRS is fine for them to use.

The best solution, though, is to use amateur radio equipment. Ham
equipment allows you to operate on frequencies that are set aside just
for ham radio -- therefore you don't have to compete with 500 other
families at Disneyland who are also using FRS equipment, for example --
and at higher power levels than you could use with FRS (or GMRS or CB)
equipment. You will need a license to operate amateur radio equipment,
however. In the past, that included a Morse Code exam, but that's no
longer the case if you're just looking at using VHF/UHF equipment. The
exam consists of a simple multiple-guess exam these days, and testing
opportunities abound all over the US.

My wife opted to get a license several years ago, and it's proven to be
very helpful to us over the years. Although we also have FRS equipment
to keep in touch with other non-ham members of the family when we're out
shopping or at amusement parks, Claudia (KC6NGO) and I use the ham gear
when it's just the two of us. It helped us greatly when we were taking
two cars cross-country from Southern California to New York several
years ago. We also use it when we go camping. It's been especially
helpful when we were at the Rose Parade -- I have done communication
support along with the 300+ other hams who help out each year, and
Claudia kept in touch with me via the radio when she was camped out on
the parade route with the grandkids while I was working at the parade.

Something to consider.
-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: ***@arrl.net